Wednesday, February 2

CNY!!! =D

CHINESE NEW YEAR WAS A BLAST!! Actually quite many blasts, looking at that string of crackers that went off......xD

Had a reli wonderful time with uncles, aunties and cousins!!! =) It's kinda sad how we never actually get to hang out usually.....i mean like the only time we get to see each other is during these family reunions!!! That's what family reunions are for i guess!!!

Hyperactive kid in action xDDD

Wrestling with hyper-active kids is FUNN!!! =P AND DANGEROUS!!!.....When you're flinging a small little hyper-kido around, look out for the things around....N YES I WAS LOOKING OUT!!! Just that one small mistake....sigh......Fortunately Uncle Kenny didn't mind that broken drift-wood of his...TT

But well somehow, even with crackers and fireworks and angpaus ($$$!!), there's nothing much about Chinese New Year....until you get together with your love ones =)

Wrong occasion, but these are the best pics i've!!!

Monday, January 31

We're the YOUTH yo!!! =P


I'm really glad that the sharing on Sunday worked out. Praise the Lord!!! Just to give some background: To be honest, when Jo and I saw the need of this session and were planning this whole thing out, we were really worried over a lot of things. We knew that some problems would be solved more easily after this sharing, yet some new problems cropping up.

And its quite true. Most of us can see the few problems solved through this session, but not many of us now see the new problems that are now going to come up soon......And when you see that I'm not really my old self that i used to be then that means im under lots more pressure, which i am now. ><

But still, SHARING was a success. It's really great to see those who opened up to their inside feeling and really poured out your hearts in your sharing. THE SESSION WAS MEANT FOR U GUYS!! ;) Looking from the outside, there are still MANY who didn't share what they truly feel....Some of us noticed that...but well its a start!!! =)

New problems: Ohhhhh BOY!!!
It's no use for me to sugar-coating all those parts up. Yes, now I'm still having problems. To be honest with you, I've lost some friends, the very close ones, over some time....that session just made me lose them MORE!!! But as i've been encouraging myself over n over, CHANGE IS NATURE!!! No point trying to relive the past!!!

Ok, i got pretty out of subject but well, yeahh.....Youth that day DID rock!!! Digest what you guys heard, don't just let the sharing stop as words we spoke. LIVE what we concluded OUT!!! What to do, what not to do.....THAT'S when we can say this sharing was successful!!!

I'm really sorry to everyone if I'm not a very likable person, if I'm really weird at times, if I'm just plain boring n all.....I know im not fun to mix with, but I'm trying my best to be!!!

But seriously, those who are reading this blog: We HAVE problems, n we WILL HAVE problems ALL THE TIME!!! The session may not have let you pour ur heart out, it may not have solved everything in that time. But lets just use the few examples of how we DID solve probs in there, like Claudia n Liang's prob etc, n lets solve problems like that in the future.

Now who's with me???

Sunday, January 16

And the green grass grows all around, all around.....

(This was supposed to be posted sometime last week...)

"Change is nature, dad...The part that we can influence!"--Remy, Ratatouille.

Just this past week, lots of things changed. I look back at the week before and I can't recognize much.

Change. Change from the comfortable life I always had. We tend to put our refuge in certain things that once change takes place, you find yourself lost. Lost in the world. You know that that shouldn't be affecting you that much, but it does. That's because we tend to tie ourselves to these things.

Just on Friday, my teacher asked our class what "LOVE" means to us. Kindness? Comfort? Sacrifice? Pain? Few of the many words put forward.....When we love something, someone...once things change we can't accept it. We tend to miss the old. We feel lost......

I felt totally lost in my school the beginning of this year...almost totally lost in each of my environments: in youth, in BB...its like, everything was just different from what it used to be. Something just changed, even if its just their facial expressions when they speak. But the problem is, i don't know WHAT changed, and what bothered me the most, whether or not im the freakin cause. =( Yeah i know you shouldn't be bothered badly on how people view you, but you still don't want to embarrass yourself, or even worse your family, in things that you do....

I come back and ask myself, sometimes other people, "Did i do anything to offend him/her? Was i being stuck up just now? Was i bossy? What was wrong with me???" and it usually somes back "Nothing was wrong..." or something like that. But STILL!!!! SOMETHINGS JUST NOT RIGHT!!!!!! Somethings changed.............

Adapting to change is difficult, especially when you're just so comfortable where you are.

But the great thing is, Love doesn't change. Even when things around change, when things are totally different, true love doesn't change. Jesus' love for us is everlasting Love. It doesn't change when the surroundings do, it doesn't change even however you are, it doesn't care about your mistakes, it can accept you for who you are anytime. Thats LOVE.

"You stay the same through the ages,
Your Love never changes,
Although theres pain in the night,
But joy comes in the morning."
I must say that i haven't fully gotten comfortable into my new environments, and I haven't exactly found out whether or not there is a problem with my attitude or manners towards people, or whether its just plain change....But I'll be trying my best in all that I do, and trust that the one person who LOVEs me forever, Jesus, will lead me and guide me through the akward moments i face...
By the way......If it really is my prob, and you guys are displeased with any part of me, please just spit it out so I can realise it myself and do what i can about it. Thanks....
"Change is nature, guys....The part which I just can't fully cope with..."

Friday, January 7

God and Answers

Refering to the last post, just writing that in my blog made me all depressed and so i went to the Lord in prayer.......


Well people, turns out that God has, and was, giving me the answer all along, just that i myself wasn't listening to Him...I can't tell you much details but anyways from now on I'll be paying attention to what GOD says and not what my IMAGINATION says....Praise be to God for he answers prayers!!!!

"Hallelujah, For all You've done!!!"

How do you do-ed???

Time is passing slower and slower. Well it has been since Joy Camp last year! Last year's one month of holidays feels like its been a year...Weeks are becoming more like months. And to add to it, now that its school I only get online fun on weekends. That means I need to wait a month to touch facebook and to blog like this. =(

Why does time pass so slow? How come it used to be faster? Well I'm not really sure. Maybe it's because i think more? I imagine more things? Dream more? BIG MAYBE...

Alicia, if you're thinking what im thinking then yes, thats a BIGGER MAYBE...

Things have changed. Right this year, or in fact the ending part of last year, I stepped into a brand new environment. Not just school, everywhere. Something's just changed....SOMETHING....maybe its not the environment but me? Maybe I've changed? Everything just seems different. But change is nature so its expected...and I can't fully explain it as how I do to my imaginary someone at night, so well......

You have NO IDEA what im talking about, rite? Cuz neither do I!!!

Things have been like, blurred. I'm just plain confused, not sure about my own surroundings, not sure about what's going to happen, not sure what IS happening!!! I mean not just the part where you don't know which exercise ur teacher asked u to do, its more of among people.

What are people thinking now? What are they talking about? Have i offended them in any way??? How do they view me??? Why do i feel like an outcast even though ive done nothing exactly wrong? Why do i feel apart from others? Why am I so down over NOTHING!!! I mean i know we shouldn't be putting priority on how we look to others but still, perspective is important. That I've learnt, because it is. As christian witness other people's perspective is VERY important because we represent Christ.

I guess perhaps God is using this to show me something, put me somewhere, and I should just surrender myself to him and let his will be done in my life. But still!!! Why this down feeling after surrendering myself to him? Why? I WANT the ANSWERS!!!

Father God, show me the answers, in your time.

I guess if you've actually taken time to read all the way here, you're probably really not interested, very confused, not seeing any point in reading this, and will be pressing BACK to the page before in a few moments. Well, a blog is a place to pour out all your feelings, all your questions that you can share and that aren't too personal, so here it is. Whether you read or not, well, thats up to you. I'm just glad this is OUT OF ME!!!! ><

And the only saying that sort of keeps me going with some hope is what a really close friend once said, written below, reminding me of what GOD did for us:
"Today is the day! My God has given me a reason to celebrate!"

Saturday, January 1

Sunset and Storm

One whole evening at the beach. Wonderful time for some reflection.

About sunset, the sun suddenly shone extra bright. Shades of red, orange, pink, hints of yellow...that was the sky. I saw the sky and a smile came naturally...Times like those are when the weather is just perfect for doing anything, not to hot, windy, scenery a beauty...Best memories.

It was then that my grandfather, or was it my uncle, noted that the reason the sun was shining so brightly all of a sudden is that there was a big storm approaching. The light from the sun reflected on the water raining down or something like that, making the the sky outside the storm look like that. Such a wonderful sight....but it blocked out the fact that a storm was coming, and in fact, coming very soon...

Almost immediately, the sky became totally dark. The shades of red became shades of blue. All became blur because of the upcoming rain blowing towards there. I stared at the seemed oddly familiar...Then the flash of lightning came to wake me up: Here's the storm everyone hates and many have been watching in fear of. My mom came in to pull me into the housePeople with their tents by the beach disappeared the next time I went out there.

Thinking about it, sometimes the sun shines too brightly in our lives. We're too comfortable where we are. We think we see what's going to happen and we avoid the few stuff. We don't see that there's a storm thats on its way, and however short, however quick that storm blows by, its gonna leave memories, gonna impact, going to affect you and your life. When the storm hits, thats the time when suddenly you're all blur, you're all confused, you don't know wat to do next. And you'll need a friend to actually come in and pull you out before it consumes you....But yet again, God promised the rainbow at the end.

I looked at this situation, I thought of you...I thought of US....