Monday, April 12

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!...chung ling stylez...xD

u noe, now im not allowed to blog on weekdays...
So lets pretend this is last thursday, datz 8th of April....

Guess wat happened...
so, as the traditional practice in chung ling, we decided to PULL DOWN HIS PANTS!!! MUAFAFAFAFAFAFAFAFAFAFAfafafa.....xD (i was de mastermind...haha)
It was all working sooo well...ppl were organised who to block where so that he couldn't go out after de bell rang...n who would hold his arms and everything...
Alvin kinda knew bout this and so he held his pants really tight..."I DIN WEAR UNDERWEAR TODAY!!!" he said...
Finally, DE BELL RANG!!! EVERY ONE TO POSITIONS, i guess....but soooo sadly, guess wat they did...
THEY RAN OFF!!!, leaving only three or four of us to TRY n pull down his pants...which turned out to be a failure when the teacher decided to stay in class a weee bit longer n he came to alvin's rescue...
so WATCH OUT ALVIN!!! ur pants will be pulled down again...SOOOON....MUAFAFAFAFAFAFAFAFAFAFAFAFAfafa....xD