Friday, May 21


well letz see..after 23rd March not much happened that week until 30th MARCH!!!

sorry, but the trinwam website doesn't allow me to copy go look at them urself...
30th March-2nd May
Mostly Refridgerated
(for those of u hu don't get this read the post "Pazt and Pazting times..")
Anyway, i was still recovering from sickness >.<
So David Yee wanted to slp in my room...
"Why dun u slp in ur own room?"
"My roomate doesn't like me..."
"Who's ur roomate?"
david yee points at jun yung...TEEHEE!!!
But nevermind david n xiang became roomates...n i was fetched back home each night...first by uncle jeremy tee and the next by my parents lah...
The activity as a whole was great...Uncle Herbert n his wife, Ling Ming, were speaking...most of it was Ling Ming, cuz according to uncle herbert, she's sorta better at the subject they were speaking on:
wait, let me rephrase that...
Worship AS spiritual warfare
Lots of us had never heard such a thing before...i mean usually its just "worship" or "spiritual warfare" but i guess it is true: worship IS spiritual warfare...
So anyway, Uncle Herbie and Ling Ming (should i call her aunty? i guess i should...) in a way prepared us for spiritual warfare while we worship the Lord...Lots of things were introduced, especially the shofar... at first the only one who could blow it was uncle herbie...then at the end of the whole retreat others learnt how to do it...i still can't. when i try i just sound like someone...ermm...letting out gas...
Aunty Ling Ming even took us through a time of purification...rededication and confession of our lifes to the Lord. At that time the Holy Spirit came upon us...and people was pressed by the weight and fell down...and everyone was so lead by the Holy Spirit to pray. David Yee even sat us guys down into a group to pray together...well, to cut everything short, we grew spiritually that night. A LOT.
Before that, of course there were sessions (btw that spiritual night was the second night.) Aunty Ling Ming brought us through some of her testimonies...on how she was so moved by the Holy Spirit in one church that she fell to the ground and started rolling here and there...n how she prayed for the lord to rain down GOLD in the church...AND IT HAPPENED! Pure 24 karat gold...coming down from the heavens...HALLELUJAH!!! ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE WITH GOD!!! =D
Have any of u heard of faeces becoming gold? (for those who don't noe wat faeces are, go study ur science.) Well, that's exactly what happened. That very day when it rained gold from heaven, just so happened that ZJAN (is that how u spell it?) went to do some business...(hehe) and Aunty Ling Ming was like, jokingly saying..."Wah...Later his pangsai also turn to gold huh?..."
IT HAPPENED! n Aunty Ling Ming still kept a piece for proof...though unfortunately she didn't bring it...
Anyway, to sum it all up...the food there was kinda disgusting. Everyone's rate from 1-5 was kinda only 1 or 2, except for david yee who put 4 for fun...haiz...We swam in the pool, went to the beach a bit, i played a very stupid video game with david (he insisted, and anyway it was his two 50 sen coins..) and all of us grew spiritually...
All of us got closer...especially in the games part, i think. Mr. Khoo Cheok Kau did the team-building, and it IS his proffesion anyway, there were all sorts of games...string games, plastecine games, geometry games, even a data organising one...all of them with his LAWS at the end that teach us the valuable lessons...
Anway, WTR was SOOOOO COOL!!! and though i got tricked by the restaurant at the end...or more failed to trick them, (thats a different story) well, it was well worth the time...
End of WTR experience.

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