Saturday, January 1

Sunset and Storm

One whole evening at the beach. Wonderful time for some reflection.

About sunset, the sun suddenly shone extra bright. Shades of red, orange, pink, hints of yellow...that was the sky. I saw the sky and a smile came naturally...Times like those are when the weather is just perfect for doing anything, not to hot, windy, scenery a beauty...Best memories.

It was then that my grandfather, or was it my uncle, noted that the reason the sun was shining so brightly all of a sudden is that there was a big storm approaching. The light from the sun reflected on the water raining down or something like that, making the the sky outside the storm look like that. Such a wonderful sight....but it blocked out the fact that a storm was coming, and in fact, coming very soon...

Almost immediately, the sky became totally dark. The shades of red became shades of blue. All became blur because of the upcoming rain blowing towards there. I stared at the seemed oddly familiar...Then the flash of lightning came to wake me up: Here's the storm everyone hates and many have been watching in fear of. My mom came in to pull me into the housePeople with their tents by the beach disappeared the next time I went out there.

Thinking about it, sometimes the sun shines too brightly in our lives. We're too comfortable where we are. We think we see what's going to happen and we avoid the few stuff. We don't see that there's a storm thats on its way, and however short, however quick that storm blows by, its gonna leave memories, gonna impact, going to affect you and your life. When the storm hits, thats the time when suddenly you're all blur, you're all confused, you don't know wat to do next. And you'll need a friend to actually come in and pull you out before it consumes you....But yet again, God promised the rainbow at the end.

I looked at this situation, I thought of you...I thought of US....