Wednesday, June 16

a day for the teacher and CLASS PARTY!!!!

lets see...after dat is....TEACHER'S DAY!!!
Well, im not excited for the teacher, im more excited for the CLASS PARTY!!!! YEEEEEEA!!!

Anyway, first thing in school was getting together, organising where to put wat and preparing stuff (im de main organiser xD) and then they shooooeed us all the way down to the hall for an hour or two of lame speeches...

17 June
Minty cool with a hint of pepper

As I was sayin, our class party was pretty coooowell....we had all sorts of nice party foodstuff, n most important, SARAWAK COFFEE!!! haiiiiiii, one smell of it and everyone's legs went numb...

Even the teachers enjoyed it!!! Instead of going to other classes, they like came to our class, chit-chat-chit-chat, then very puas so they go back to teacher's room straightaway...not to mention how we were always in front of time...its like the disipline teacher will say "START CLEANING UP" and we say "We alreadi have...." and they say "Start arranging the tables for exam d..." and we say "Oh! We finished that twenty minutes ago....

The commitee did a great job with this whole party...I must commend that they did their jobs reli well...n though the coffee went kinda slow, but i must say everyone was happy. RELI HAPPY!!! i mean like 1T11 even called a buffet company for the party, but it somehow wasn't that happy like our class party was, i heard..

PRAISE THE LORD for our class party success...

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