Friday, May 21

Pazt n Pazting Dayz... u noe, i haven't had much time to blog since last i'll be bringing u through all the activities that have STOPPED me frm blogging...

Cuz its been quite long ago, ill provide the date, day, and weather (in cooking terms xD) to make it clearer for everyone..ENJOY!!! =)

So...lets begin. =D

11-20th March
Sunday to the next Tuesday
Mixed all over (like salad xD)

Well this whole time has just been drama practice...drama kinda never stops... can't blame it cuz both drama comp and band performance is next ill just have to stick through with it and once its done, IM FREE!!!! Well, that's what i THOUGHT (dramatic music TEN TEN TEN!!!!) teehee...

21st March
Microwave on 80% heat
DRAMA COMP DAY!!! Woke up super early n prepared my stuff...well at least MY STUFF aint so bad...look at BEN CHWEE's STUFF n now DATz HARD...all the make-up, the dress, the super itchi bra he had to wear xD (sorry to bring it up but its TRUE!) Well im sure happy my role is much much simpler...
So i got to school at about 6.15...though still not many ppl there...slowly the drama ppl arrived one by one...All look kinda normal, except for the make-up which made them kinda different...

Anyway, Ben Chwee sure made a commotion in school...every student or even teacher who passed by would just start looking at him...some laughing, some shocked...some i dont even noe WAT! I mean imagine one of your guy pupils or classmate suddenly comes to school in a dress, wig, lots of girl make-up n heels...EEWWW!

Yes, many ppl went EEWWW. Hear it from wendee...and YUP! the comp was in her school...Well not that much to say...but that the stage was reli reli HOT!...the food was expensive except for the economy rice which was RELI cheap...Ms Mayvis found her teacher there, who now kinda notices how old she is...n dat we WON!!!....

3rd out of 4 groups...=(

Yup...kinda sad, but we sure had lots of fun, especially the preparation...

Ben Chwee literally WOWed everyone...all participants were so fascinated by this guy who seems like a girl but is a guy dressed as a girl who still is a guy...everyone, or more LOTs of ppl wanted to take pictures with him...

Yes, he's the one on the right...for those hu dunno him...

Him and shaun in the "Father Daughter" scene...

Even the prince from the "Rumplestiltskin" group gives him/her a flower xD

AND YOU SHOULD HAVE SEEN WHEN HE TOOK OFF HIS WIG SUDDENLY AT THE PRIZE GIVING CEREMONY...Wakakakakakakaka!!! Everyone went "WOAH!" Even the judge came over to shake his hand...

Even when he changed out and went outside...again everyone with the "WOAH!"

Well, after all of that...just got back to school, n cuz im still kinda sick so i dint got to skool....


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