Friday, May 21

Band n de sick me...

Well, I did so want to put everything into one post...but blogspot got kinda annoying n so ive decided to seperate everything...

23rd March
Refridgerated...with 3 hours of defrosting

Well, left school at 7.30 am. i reli wondered why we needed to go to dewan sri so early...manatau we're just going there to REST!?!?!?!?!

I almost died of boredom...
I was still kinda sick so i suffered through the practices...but in the end i just blared out wat i needed to n dat was dat! xD
Nice parts about the day:
Got lots of air-conditioning (fridge, as you can see) and stuff went quite well...the performance was great as a whole, not just the band...but the others as well...
For those who r lost now, it wasn't just was CHUNG LING MUSIC CLUB performance. My conductor was really game...suddenly my section leader told him some stuff just before the curtain was going to open...i reli wondered what in the world he was saying (hokkien...haiz...) manatau he told my conductor to like, get the audience to clap when it came to part of the song...he was like...ARGH! Hard to explain...ill show u de next time u see me if u want to.
The "chinese dialog" or xiangshen was really funny, though poor sheri n my mom couldn't understand it...allyn n sheng xun would be like, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA n sheri would be like...Whaaa??? xD
And the best part of the day...
"We'll just walk backwards." HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! (for those hu dun get this part, go update urself on facebook or just ask me...itz unexplainable on computer.)
End of band day n starting the post on WTR!!! WOOOHOOO!!! =D

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