Friday, May 21


After a few weeks of practice...finally the time has come for...
So, the day started of quite alrite...went to primary school to collect money: RM10 per A in UPSR so thats RM70...Fast-forwarding to wen i spoke to Naresh later in that day for a while...
"70 ah!?!?!? My school get full A(s) only get RM2...." haha...
Anyway, we started of the...OOPS! Forgot the date thingy!
15th May
Sometimes refridgerated and sometimes roasting - (especially on our way to McD.)
So, we practised as usual...most of our meals for the whole week was McD. I still remember david yee's trying to go to McD using the FREE SCHOOL STYLE......
The gate turned up closed...HAHAHA BEENZ!!!
Yup...i took the normal way while he went into free school...n like, went all the way to nearing McD there and the gate was i had to wait soooo long for him to go bak to the main gate and come out again.
That day we saw LIANG n JUWITA earlier than u guyz...we went in to see them practising, and Dinesh swooped out his phone and actually started recording right in front of the stage! So Liang used us as his audience for the "OK" song...
He was like "You six over there...c'mon let me here u sing! OoooOooooooOoooo Ok..." And we din have any mikes so we tried to make our voices heard over all that music by the band...
That night itself the concert was FAB! The only sad part about it was that not many new ppl came, so most ppl there were christian fellas...n so when i tcame to alter call, no one went out...Never mind about that, OVERALL WAS GREAT!!!
Though, cuz we din have enough practice, this drum performance wasn't so gud...dinesh got the last beat wrong, so the ending was just improvised xD...n poor dinesh told us bout how his drum became senget and couldn't some bak...aish, as long as it wasn't so gud...

improvised ending...xD (if u notice, some of us are hitting sitcks, while others are playing the drum)
But NO WORRIES!!! Everything turned out fine!!!

Youth and Liang (hu can also be counted as youth xD)
For those who want photos, go check em out on facebook....!/album.php?aid=238218&id=681162515

Band Dayz...

Well...lets just say that after WTR, the whole week was just BAND PRACTICE for sports day...

3rd-6th May
Monday to Thursday
Oven on High Heat

That whole week was just in the sun, in the sun, in the SUN...SUPER HOT...this is my first time carrying the saxophone on one hand, and my arm reli hurt...(in cooking terms, i was a chicken roasting in the oven with a hurting left wing...xD) Me n jie just dun get how my two section leaders: Jin Xian and Wei Loong can carry it near their elbow...we can't balance it, so we carry it on our muscle, which sprains the whole thing...haiz...

So the next few days i padded my arm so that i'd be in good condition for sports day...i stuffed the left wing!!! xD

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

7th May
In the oven with extra layers of clothing, which traps much more heat in...

So, as practiced, we marched here and my arm was getting kinda used to the weight, so it didn't hurt much...still CAN'T play songs while marching...i dun get how they do that...
I was reli lazy to take part in any items (n i guess i will be for the next few years xD) all i did was slp in the band room, or read "Diary of a Wimpy Kid" borrowed from Nathanael...whoever lent it to him...
Some picz:

If they're not clear, go check em out on facebook...they're under pictures of me...
N so FINALLY sports day is over...i can now stop missing class by class just to practice...n we wun be having band for a month!!! (for juniors only, of course...O IM SO HAPPY BEING A JUNIOR NOW!!!)



well letz see..after 23rd March not much happened that week until 30th MARCH!!!

sorry, but the trinwam website doesn't allow me to copy go look at them urself...
30th March-2nd May
Mostly Refridgerated
(for those of u hu don't get this read the post "Pazt and Pazting times..")
Anyway, i was still recovering from sickness >.<
So David Yee wanted to slp in my room...
"Why dun u slp in ur own room?"
"My roomate doesn't like me..."
"Who's ur roomate?"
david yee points at jun yung...TEEHEE!!!
But nevermind david n xiang became roomates...n i was fetched back home each night...first by uncle jeremy tee and the next by my parents lah...
The activity as a whole was great...Uncle Herbert n his wife, Ling Ming, were speaking...most of it was Ling Ming, cuz according to uncle herbert, she's sorta better at the subject they were speaking on:
wait, let me rephrase that...
Worship AS spiritual warfare
Lots of us had never heard such a thing before...i mean usually its just "worship" or "spiritual warfare" but i guess it is true: worship IS spiritual warfare...
So anyway, Uncle Herbie and Ling Ming (should i call her aunty? i guess i should...) in a way prepared us for spiritual warfare while we worship the Lord...Lots of things were introduced, especially the shofar... at first the only one who could blow it was uncle herbie...then at the end of the whole retreat others learnt how to do it...i still can't. when i try i just sound like someone...ermm...letting out gas...
Aunty Ling Ming even took us through a time of purification...rededication and confession of our lifes to the Lord. At that time the Holy Spirit came upon us...and people was pressed by the weight and fell down...and everyone was so lead by the Holy Spirit to pray. David Yee even sat us guys down into a group to pray together...well, to cut everything short, we grew spiritually that night. A LOT.
Before that, of course there were sessions (btw that spiritual night was the second night.) Aunty Ling Ming brought us through some of her testimonies...on how she was so moved by the Holy Spirit in one church that she fell to the ground and started rolling here and there...n how she prayed for the lord to rain down GOLD in the church...AND IT HAPPENED! Pure 24 karat gold...coming down from the heavens...HALLELUJAH!!! ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE WITH GOD!!! =D
Have any of u heard of faeces becoming gold? (for those who don't noe wat faeces are, go study ur science.) Well, that's exactly what happened. That very day when it rained gold from heaven, just so happened that ZJAN (is that how u spell it?) went to do some business...(hehe) and Aunty Ling Ming was like, jokingly saying..."Wah...Later his pangsai also turn to gold huh?..."
IT HAPPENED! n Aunty Ling Ming still kept a piece for proof...though unfortunately she didn't bring it...
Anyway, to sum it all up...the food there was kinda disgusting. Everyone's rate from 1-5 was kinda only 1 or 2, except for david yee who put 4 for fun...haiz...We swam in the pool, went to the beach a bit, i played a very stupid video game with david (he insisted, and anyway it was his two 50 sen coins..) and all of us grew spiritually...
All of us got closer...especially in the games part, i think. Mr. Khoo Cheok Kau did the team-building, and it IS his proffesion anyway, there were all sorts of games...string games, plastecine games, geometry games, even a data organising one...all of them with his LAWS at the end that teach us the valuable lessons...
Anway, WTR was SOOOOO COOL!!! and though i got tricked by the restaurant at the end...or more failed to trick them, (thats a different story) well, it was well worth the time...
End of WTR experience.

Band n de sick me...

Well, I did so want to put everything into one post...but blogspot got kinda annoying n so ive decided to seperate everything...

23rd March
Refridgerated...with 3 hours of defrosting

Well, left school at 7.30 am. i reli wondered why we needed to go to dewan sri so early...manatau we're just going there to REST!?!?!?!?!

I almost died of boredom...
I was still kinda sick so i suffered through the practices...but in the end i just blared out wat i needed to n dat was dat! xD
Nice parts about the day:
Got lots of air-conditioning (fridge, as you can see) and stuff went quite well...the performance was great as a whole, not just the band...but the others as well...
For those who r lost now, it wasn't just was CHUNG LING MUSIC CLUB performance. My conductor was really game...suddenly my section leader told him some stuff just before the curtain was going to open...i reli wondered what in the world he was saying (hokkien...haiz...) manatau he told my conductor to like, get the audience to clap when it came to part of the song...he was like...ARGH! Hard to explain...ill show u de next time u see me if u want to.
The "chinese dialog" or xiangshen was really funny, though poor sheri n my mom couldn't understand it...allyn n sheng xun would be like, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA n sheri would be like...Whaaa??? xD
And the best part of the day...
"We'll just walk backwards." HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! (for those hu dun get this part, go update urself on facebook or just ask me...itz unexplainable on computer.)
End of band day n starting the post on WTR!!! WOOOHOOO!!! =D

Pazt n Pazting Dayz... u noe, i haven't had much time to blog since last i'll be bringing u through all the activities that have STOPPED me frm blogging...

Cuz its been quite long ago, ill provide the date, day, and weather (in cooking terms xD) to make it clearer for everyone..ENJOY!!! =)

So...lets begin. =D

11-20th March
Sunday to the next Tuesday
Mixed all over (like salad xD)

Well this whole time has just been drama practice...drama kinda never stops... can't blame it cuz both drama comp and band performance is next ill just have to stick through with it and once its done, IM FREE!!!! Well, that's what i THOUGHT (dramatic music TEN TEN TEN!!!!) teehee...

21st March
Microwave on 80% heat
DRAMA COMP DAY!!! Woke up super early n prepared my stuff...well at least MY STUFF aint so bad...look at BEN CHWEE's STUFF n now DATz HARD...all the make-up, the dress, the super itchi bra he had to wear xD (sorry to bring it up but its TRUE!) Well im sure happy my role is much much simpler...
So i got to school at about 6.15...though still not many ppl there...slowly the drama ppl arrived one by one...All look kinda normal, except for the make-up which made them kinda different...

Anyway, Ben Chwee sure made a commotion in school...every student or even teacher who passed by would just start looking at him...some laughing, some shocked...some i dont even noe WAT! I mean imagine one of your guy pupils or classmate suddenly comes to school in a dress, wig, lots of girl make-up n heels...EEWWW!

Yes, many ppl went EEWWW. Hear it from wendee...and YUP! the comp was in her school...Well not that much to say...but that the stage was reli reli HOT!...the food was expensive except for the economy rice which was RELI cheap...Ms Mayvis found her teacher there, who now kinda notices how old she is...n dat we WON!!!....

3rd out of 4 groups...=(

Yup...kinda sad, but we sure had lots of fun, especially the preparation...

Ben Chwee literally WOWed everyone...all participants were so fascinated by this guy who seems like a girl but is a guy dressed as a girl who still is a guy...everyone, or more LOTs of ppl wanted to take pictures with him...

Yes, he's the one on the right...for those hu dunno him...

Him and shaun in the "Father Daughter" scene...

Even the prince from the "Rumplestiltskin" group gives him/her a flower xD

AND YOU SHOULD HAVE SEEN WHEN HE TOOK OFF HIS WIG SUDDENLY AT THE PRIZE GIVING CEREMONY...Wakakakakakakaka!!! Everyone went "WOAH!" Even the judge came over to shake his hand...

Even when he changed out and went outside...again everyone with the "WOAH!"

Well, after all of that...just got back to school, n cuz im still kinda sick so i dint got to skool....