(This was supposed to be posted sometime last week...)

"Change is nature, dad...The part that we can influence!"--Remy, Ratatouille.
Just this past week, lots of things changed. I look back at the week before and I can't recognize much.
Change. Change from the comfortable life I always had. We tend to put our refuge in certain things that once change takes place, you find yourself lost. Lost in the world. You know that that shouldn't be affecting you that much, but it does. That's because we tend to tie ourselves to these things.
Just on Friday, my teacher asked our class what "LOVE" means to us. Kindness? Comfort? Sacrifice? Pain? Few of the many words put forward.....When we love something, someone...once things change we can't accept it. We tend to miss the old. We feel lost......

I felt totally lost in my school the beginning of this year...almost totally lost in each of my environments: in youth, in BB...its like, everything was just different from what it used to be. Something just changed, even if its just their facial expressions when they speak. But the problem is, i don't know WHAT changed, and what bothered me the most, whether or not im the freakin cause. =( Yeah i know you shouldn't be bothered badly on how people view you, but you still don't want to embarrass yourself, or even worse your family, in things that you do....
I come back and ask myself, sometimes other people, "Did i do anything to offend him/her? Was i being stuck up just now? Was i bossy? What was wrong with me???" and it usually somes back "Nothing was wrong..." or something like that. But STILL!!!!
SOMETHINGS JUST NOT RIGHT!!!!!! Somethings changed.............
Adapting to change is difficult, especially when you're just so comfortable where you are.
But the great thing is, Love doesn't change. Even when things around change, when things are totally different, true love doesn't change. Jesus' love for us is everlasting Love. It doesn't change when the surroundings do, it doesn't change even however you are, it doesn't care about your mistakes, it can accept you for who you are anytime. Thats LOVE.
"You stay the same through the ages,
Your Love never changes,
Although theres pain in the night,
But joy comes in the morning."
I must say that i haven't fully gotten comfortable into my new environments, and I haven't exactly found out whether or not there is a problem with my attitude or manners towards people, or whether its just plain change....But I'll be trying my best in all that I do, and trust that the one person who LOVEs me forever, Jesus, will lead me and guide me through the akward moments i face...
By the way......If it really is my prob, and you guys are displeased with any part of me, please just spit it out so I can realise it myself and do what i can about it. Thanks....
"Change is nature, guys....The part which I just can't fully cope with..."